I’ve been using ManageEngine’s OpUtils product for a few years now for IP Address Management (IPAM). While it has a lot of other great features, I’ve really liked the way they do IPAM. Yes, Microsoft has IPAM now built into Windows, but I’ve never liked the setup of the Windows IPAM configuration, and the lack of a good Web UI for IPAM made me like it even less.

OpUtils provides a subset of the OpManager Suite from Manage Engine, and subsequently integrates into OpManager. OpUtils 8 runs on both Windows and Linux platforms, and I’ve always run it on Windows, a) because it’s easier to setup and get going, and 😎 it offers the ability to pull OS level information once you setup domain credentials thru WMI.

Moving to Linux
I decided to move my OpUtils install over to Linux, primarily for the practice with Linux and just one less Windows VM that I need to worry about patching, etc. Also, I’m moving my lab over to a new domain, so I also figured this is one less server that I need to rejoin a domain or rebuild.

My template uses the standard recommendations for template builds, basically modeled from this link.

Pre Req’s for OpUtils on CentOS 7 x64
After several attempts to get the OpUtils .bin file to install on the vm, I went back to the source and found this kb article, which showed me the way. The OpUtils service doesn’t run on 64-bit systems natively, so I needed to install the 32-bit libraries.

So the pre-req’s that I knocked out on the vm were as follows:

  1. glibc.i686:Command to execute –  yum install glibc.i686
  2. ncurses-libs.i686: Command to execute –  yum install curses-libs.i686
  3. libstdc++.i686: Command to execute –  yum install libstdc++.i686

Installing OpUtils on CentOS 7

Installing OpUtil on Linux can be done either thru the GUI, or from the command line.  In my case, I am running OpUtils from a Linux server without a GUi, therefore I need to modify the install parameters to add the -console switch.

Before installing though, the .bin file needs to be modified to be executable.  Run the following commands to change the file permissions on the ManageEngine_OpUtils.bin file.
chmod -R 755 ManageEngine_OpUtils.bin.

To install the .bin file, run the command ./ManageEngine_OpUtils.bin -console (if you’re doing this from the GUI, skip the -console switch)

Installation of OpUtils is pretty straight forward, and there’s only one install modification that I make.  Since I’m launching as the root user, the install location automatically comes up as /root/ManageEngine/OpUtils,  and I’d rather not use that as my default installation.  I instead change it over to /opt/ManageEngine/OpUtils.

Starting OpUtils
Starting OpUtils can be done either manually (bad idea if you want to have an automated solution), or by running OpUtils as a service (preferred).

To run OpUtils as a service in Linux OS, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the oputils.txt and copy it to /etc/init.d directory as oputils
  2. Edit the MDIR variable in this file which should point to the bin folder of OpUtils Installation directory (eg. MDIR=/opt/ManageEngine/OpUtils/bin).
  3. Provide executable permissions for this script using the command: chmod 755 /etc/init.d/oputils
  4. Use chkconfig command to add oputils as a service: /sbin/chkconfig –add oputils

After setting OpUtils up as a service, I went ahead and rebooted the VM, to validate that the service would start correctly. Run the command ps -ef | grep OpUtils to see if the process is up and running.


Modifying CentOS firewalld
After getting OpUtils installed on CenOS 7, I noticed that even though the process is running from the previous section, I couldn’t get the website to launch. I found that CentOS 7 doesn’t use iptables anymore, but it uses the newer firewalld process. To make sure that port 80 and 7080 were opened on the firewall, I needed to add both of those as permanent rules to firewalld.  OpUtils defaults to running on port 7080 for the web server, however I like to change it to 80 later on, that’s why I add both rules.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=7080/tcp
systemctl restart firewalld.service —> Restart the Firewall service to make sure this takes

We can run the following command to validate that the ports are open on the firewall.

firewall-cmd —zone=public –list-ports

And that’s it! OpUtils is now installed and running on Linux.

Installing ManageEngine OpUtils on CentOS 7
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