We’re just two months into 2017, and it already feels like the year is flying by!

The 2017 vExpert announcements came out today – you can read it here, and for the 3rd year in a row (well, really 2.5 since I forgot to renew at the end of 2015 and made it in the 2nd half of 2016) I’m honored to be included in the list of some very smart people.

Back in December, I was also included in the Nutanix Technical Champions list found here, and again I was very honored to make that list.

So what does it all mean?

Well first off, getting on these lists isn’t just going to a class and/or passing a certification. It’s not doing some training on a subject(s) and proving knowledge during a project.  It’s not helping out your friends/coworkers when they need help or have questions.

It’s all of the above.  It’s taking the time to share ones knowledge and give back to the community that has provided so much learning and education.  It’s collaborating on solutions, on particpating in beta programs that help shape upcoming software.

I’ve been really fortunate to have had a very fun and educational career, from cutting my teeth with Citrix platforms, to Oracle databases and Unix platforms, to Virtualization, Networking, Storage, the list goes on.

What I’ve gotten from all those different learning opportunities was somebody always smarter than me showing me the ropes, how to do something one way, why to do it another, and how to think about the ultimate outcome for solutions we deploy.

Being able to give back; even if it’s just a quick answer to a question, spending time with somebody on GoToMeeting or doing some hands on workshops or training is incredibly meaningful to me.  The opportunities I’ve had to present at conferences, from the Regional VMUG in Charlotte on vRealize, to the upcoming session on Nutanix at TriCon, to the eGroup take on the Modern Office – give me the opportunity to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained and hopefully get a few people excited about the topic and ready to explore some new opportunities.

So to me, being included on these lists with some very smart people doesn’t validate how smart I am, but it validates to me the value of knowledge sharing – thru blogs, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, etc.  More to learn, more to share!

Thank You!

So to all the folks that join me on the list of #vExpert and #NTC in 2017, thank you for sharing your knowledge with me, for giving different ways to do different things.  I hope that I’ve been able to give back as much as I’ve received.

For the people that I work with at eGroup, thank you for the amazing company we have, and for making every day a fun and exciting one.  Every day is a learning experience, one I do not take lightly.

And finally, to my wife Michelle.  You put up with a crazy travel schedule sometimes, a garage full of servers, and a husband who sometimes doesn’t know when to put work away.

vexpert-3-year                                  NTC2017

vExpert, Nutanix Champion and Community
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